Freedom is so close, you can almost taste it… But first, you need to get through your final exams. Even if you’d rather be doing literally anything other than revising (we remember that feeling well), just think: this might be the last time you ever have to sit exams. Meaning it’s your last chance to show yourself and the world what you can really do when you put your mind to it. So, go on – give it one last push.

Struggling to stay focused? Check out our top five revision tips:

1. Structure your time.

The last thing you want to do is spend ages revising for Maths and realise you don’t have any time left to think about English. So, before you start, make a list of all your exams and what topics you need to cover for each. Then, get yourself a calendar – you could buy one, print one off the internet, or even put everything in your phone calendar if that’s how you work best – and plan when you’re going to revise what.

Make sure you schedule time for rest and fun in between revision sessions – that way, you’ll have more energy when it’s time to revise, and you’ll be less likely to bunk off. But be strict with yourself: if you’ve made a plan to revise one evening, don’t ignore it and go out with your friends – there’ll be plenty of time for that once exams are over, but you’ll never get this chance again.

2. Create a routine.

On study leave? It can be tempting to treat it like a very long weekend, but you’ll achieve so much more if you stick to a routine. You don’t have to get up at the crack of dawn, but set your alarm for a decent time in the morning and make sure you have a proper breakfast to boost your energy levels for the day. Schedule a ‘lunch break’ where you eat another nutritious meal and, if you can, get outside for some fresh air and to stretch your legs (there’s nothing like exercise to help your focus).

Don’t work late: set a finish time, then reward your hard work with a good dinner and relaxation – whether that’s hanging out with friends, watching TV, or anything else you enjoy – to help you wind down and forget about exams for a few hours. And go to bed at a decent time to make sure you’re getting enough sleep.

Also, keep a bottle or glass of water next to you and sip on it throughout the day so you stay hydrated. And make sure you get up and walk around, stretch, and give your brain (and your back) a break at regular intervals.

3. Get rid of distractions.

Your phone. All those tabs on your internet browser. The TV in the background. Even the mess in your room. Distractions like these will make it hard for you to give revision your full attention. So put your phone in the next room and only check it during revision breaks (you’ll survive, promise). Close all those tabs and turn notifications off. Keep your revision space clean and tidy.

Make sure any background noise is conducive to focus – this is different for everyone, so it’s important to know what works for you. Are you a radio-listener? Do you have a no-lyrics playlist? Perhaps ‘brown noise’ helps you focus? Or maybe you just need complete silence. (If you can’t get this at home, see if there’s a public library near you, or ask if there’s a space you can use at school.)

4. Get creative.

Reading is the first step of revision, but for most people absorbing information like this alone won’t make it stick in your head. Make notes, draw pictures or diagrams, use colourful pens or even make up rhymes to help you remember key points – the more interesting you make it, the more likely you are to remember it when you’re sitting in an exam!

Remember: if you don’t understand something, you’ll find it very hard to retain it. If there’s something you’re still not clear on, ask for help from your teacher, your parents, an older sibling, or even your classmates. Once you feel it ‘click’, it’s way more likely to stay in your brain.

5. Keep your eye on the prize.

If you’ve only got a few exams left to go, you might find yourself becoming demotivated and restless – especially if your friends have already finished. But stay strong and remember: the last exam is just as important as the first, so stick to your plan and keep thinking about the end goal. What does passing these exams mean? What can you do with the grades you’re aiming for? You could even make yourself a vision board to focus on when you’re feeling discouraged.

Believe in yourself. You can do it. Don’t let mistakes or low scores on practice papers knock you back – instead, think of it as a learning opportunity. A positive mindset is so important for achieving your goals: keep your chin up, strike a power pose in the mirror, and crack on. Take that attitude into the exam hall and you’ll notice the difference, we promise.

About to take your first steps into the workplace? Find out how we can help.

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